Medical Coercion: Tomi Gomory

First Aired: 01-01-2014 -- 1 comment | Add comment
Professor Tomi Gomory

If madness isn’t like other illnesses, what is it? Should psychiatry have the power of legal coercion? How can the legacy of Thomas Szasz inform new ways of helping people?

Tomi Gomory, associate professor of social work at Florida State University and co-author of Mad Science: Psychiatric Coercion, Diagnosis, and Drugs, explores thinking beyond the medical model of emotional distress.

One comment on “Medical Coercion: Tomi Gomory

  1. Very interesting views by Dr. Gomory, somewhat blunted its universal application by the format, and the interviewer’s narrow references to his own problems. An adversarial questioning would have made the program more interesting and forceful. The most interesting point I came away with was Dr. Gomory’s reference to research and scientific reasoning as separate resoning from administrative or bureaucrative, perhaps “practical” reasoning.


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