Psychiatric Abuse: Activist Angela Bischoff and Shock Survivor Wayne Lax

First Aired: 12-05-2007 -- 1 comment | Add comment
Angela Bischoff

Two interviews on psychiatric abuse: Angela Bischoff’s husband Tooker Gomberg died in a suicide after taking anti-depressants; both were prominent Toronto environmental and peace activists. Wayne Lax survived 80 shock treatments and multiple hospitalizations over thirty years.

Today both Angela and Wayne are waging campaigns to reform the mental health system.

One comment on “Psychiatric Abuse: Activist Angela Bischoff and Shock Survivor Wayne Lax

  1. It is noteworthy to hear that psych drugs, while claiming to correct an imbalance in brain chemistry, also mess with brain chemistry! With such devastating effects. The absurdity. How are doctors getting away with this?


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