Multiple Worlds: Anusuya StarBear

First Aired: 10-01-2012 -- 1 comment | Add comment
Anusuya StarBear

Is it possible to navigate the “multiple worlds” that emerge during psychotic experiences? Are voices and altered states also like a shamanic journey, needing guidance to find your way?

Anusuya StarBear has heard voices and gone through altered states her whole life. A tragic near-death experience 20 years ago left her with severe and chronic physical pain — and the calling to be a healer. Today visionary painting and Native American spirituality transform her pain into a creative pathway as a Process Oriented therapist, coach, and energy healer.

One comment on “Multiple Worlds: Anusuya StarBear

  1. I really enjoyed this episode! Thank you Will and Anasuya! I thought the last segment about process work and the medicine wheel and mindfulness was really interesting.
    I truly loved the whole segment, hearing Anasuya’s story. Not many of us have been able to have altered sates and avoid the social stigma that can come with that, so it’s a blessing to hear from someone who escaped that entirely.
    I’m definitely looking forward to more episodes like this! hint hint Will. LOL


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