Live Through This Anthology: Sabrina Chapadjiev

First Aired: 09-10-2008 -- 4 comments | Add comment
Chapadjiev: Live Through This

Editor Sabrina Chapadjiev discusses the new Seven Stories Press anthology Live Through This: On Creativity and Self Destruction, a rich collection of women artists sharing intimate accounts of cutting, alcoholism, suicide, abuse, madness and other self harm and how it relates to their creativity.

Authors include bell hooks, Bonfire Madigan Shive, Patricia Smith, Annie Sprinkle, Inga Muscio, Kate Bornstein, and Nicole Blackman.

4 comments on “Live Through This Anthology: Sabrina Chapadjiev

  1. I appreciate this. Rosa Luxemburg considered suicide when the shitshow of WWI broke out, that makes me feel like kinda not a fuckup.

  2. Trying to get in touch with my high school friend…. What a wonderful and powerful woman you have become

  3. WOW! Thank you. What a great collection of important stories. Reminds me of listening to my friends at the Mental Health Consumer Run Foundation I attend. We will be purchasing a copy for the clubhouse. Thank you, again.

    1. Sabrina, e mail me, been trying to find you for years. You are a very wonderful, powerful women, I’m proud


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